Antique Tinsel Gold Table Linen for Events
Antique Tinsel

The pattern of this sophisticated linen is like an icy frost flowering and aflame in the mid-winter sun. Aged-gold icicles create an event full of glistening wonder. To bring a soft, glamorous sparkle to your tablescape, choose Antique Tinsel.

Antique Lucia Gold Table Linen for Events
Antique Lucia

Inspired by the Swedish celebration of St. Lucia’s day, the longest night of the year, this linen provides a refined, luxurious backdrop to any long night’s festival. A swirling pattern of vintage-gold garland, Antique Lucia celebrates your event with glimmers of gold on luminescent ivory. Bringing light to the longest night of the year, this linen is the quintessence of sunlight and provides a radiant foundation for your tablescape.